What’s one quirky thing about you? I don’t sleep so if not writing I’m reading.   When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? At a young age. I always had a book in my hand as I loved to read. I’ve always been a storyteller and have so many of them in my head so I started writing to get their voices out as crazy as that sounds.

What has been your best experience as an author so far? Getting to know the readers. Without them I would still be stumbling around. Also the authors I’ve gotten to know have been awesome.

What sort of challenges have you faced as a writer? How did you overcome them? Just not knowing anything. I’ve been blessed with help from many. I’m not a writer who can pound out book after book. Sometimes I feel like I’m spinning my wheels. Also the last couple of years have been rough with personal and family situations. As far as overcoming them its a daily battle but every time I release a book or a reader reaches out that is what helps me keep going. 

Have you learned anything really cool or interesting while researching your books? What’s been the weirdest research you’ve ever had to do? Definitely as I write not only Contemporary Romance but Dark Suspense and MC. My google search would probably get me put in jail with the kind of stuff I research. I looked up how to torture, make a body disappear, 1% MC and currently BDSM. A wide range of topics.

What advice would you give to new writers in the field? Always believe in yourself and never give up. Even if you don’t publish your book still write it if only for you. There’s nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it. 

Tell us a little about your writing nook! Favorite tea/coffee/writing snack? My hubby is the best I have an office downstairs that is dedicated to my writing. We also have an office upstairs and since my surgery I’m currently writing at a desk in our spare bedroom. I always need noise in the background so either television (Law and Order SVU or Home shows) or music. Snacks depends on the day and what I’m writing.

Of all of your own characters, who would you most want to date?  Hard but if I had to choose it would be Des or Wolf from Wheels & Hogs or Francis ’Stitch’, Nicholas ‘Chains’ or Wyatt ‘Fury’ from Grimm Wolves Motorcycle Club. I already have my own Gabriel. 

What project are you currently working on? I’m in the process of writing Spirit’s story which is a spinoff from The Journals Trilogy. Very Dark Suspense. Also researching the next Grimm Wolves Motorcycle Club (Member) which is Chains, Winsley & Jackson. After that I go right into the next Grimm Wolves Series  (Prospect) Cassius ‘Doc’.

What’s next for you? The sky is the limit. I’m in this for the long run so continue to write and release the best stories I can. As long as there are readers interested I’ll continue to write. 

Author Bio:

Tell us a little about your new release: __________! My latest release is Daisy’s Darkness a YA story. It is book 6 of my Wheels & Hogs series. It deals with bullying, eating disorder, cutting and suicide. 
Where did your inspiration for the book come from? My inspirations come from life experiences, friends and family, the news and my imagination. 

Did you outline the story or dive right in? I dive in and let the characters talk and guide me with their stories. For each series I keep a journal of all the characters including their physical description and any background so I can always refer back to it.

How did your characters come to life? While developing my characters I try to make them authentic and genuine. My stories re about real life situations and the people in them.  

Did you do any cool or interesting research for this story? What did you learn? Actually I interviewed young teenage girls about the subjects in the story and was shocked at how much bullying and eating disorders play a large part of the high school experience. Opened my eyes to what is going on and what society is doing to both young girls and boys with body image. 

What was your favorite part of working on this story? What was the most challenging? Talking to teenagers to get a grasp on how to write this story. Most challenging is trying to write a story about a freshman girl in high school. Been a while since I was there so that was a struggle but in a good way.

What’s next for this story – is it part of a series? When does it come out? Yes this is book 6 in my Wheels & Hogs series. Yes there are more to come though not sure when. Each story is about a main couple with the secondary characters in the background. I do not usually do cliff hangers and through much drama and angst the main couple hopefully will find their HEA.

Share an Excerpt:
At this point snot is running out of my nose as tears are flowing down my face. I’m totally losing it. But he still doesn’t know it all.“Jag, you don’t get it because you’re one of the cool dudes. You hang with the cool crowd. No one calls you names, makes fun out of how you look—what you like—or who you hang with. They don’t push you around, pinch, punch, or grab you so hard it leaves bruises. They don’t pull your hair so hard that it feels like they are pulling it from your scalp. They don’t constantly rag on you until you start to believe what they are saying. I think sometimes that I’m losing my mind. It’s not like Mom says, those teenager hormones. I wish it was. I can’t sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, yeah, I know TMI. I’m cold all the time and have caused myself injury on purpose, just to feel something—anything. I don’t remember the last time I told you, Mom, or Des that I love you. That’s because I don’t even know what those words mean anymore. I feel nothing but darkness in my life.”. Sales Links:
➜ Books2Readhttps://books2read.com/u/4DgEBQ
➜ Amazonhttps://amzn.to/2VNSHi5
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